The idea of being married is now the equivalent of having the Bubonic Plague for many Western women. They see it as being trapped or owned, and not being one half of a lifelong partnership.
Instead they absorb hours of reality TV shows, binge on rom-com box-sets on Netflix, and live their lives vicariously through the Instagram accounts of models and celebrities.

The net result of this is that they expect the same from their own lives — the ideal career, the ideal man, and the ideal everything else. This is despite the fact they can never clearly define any of these “ideals”.
But that’s not how life works out, and men in the West are now exhausted by the effort of trying to keep these women happy. The MGTOW movement didn’t appear out of nowhere — it’s a reaction to reasonable women being turned into rabid feminists by their overweight, single and bitter feminist friends.
This is exactly why so many guys are turning their attention to South American countries, many with the goal of finding single Brazilian women to date, fall in love with and marry.
Even better is that most Brazilian women share the same traditional values as you, so you can bypass all the insane arguments you currently deal with.
What You Need To Know About Brazil Girls
It’s all too easy to think of South American countries as nothing more than quaint backwaters, inhabited by poor native girls looking for a way to escape from their village.
So, unless you’ve looked at a map recently, you probably didn’t know that Brazil is a massive country — all 3.2 million square miles of it. It has a population of 208 million people, and around 72 million of those are women of dating and marrying age.
This makes it the largest country in South America, but also one that’s prosperous and an emerging superpower. That doesn’t mean the streets of Brasilia and other cities here are paved with gold, but it does mean it’s a different environment to Peru, Chile or Costa Rica, for example.
Now that we’ve gotten the numbers and stats out of the way it’s time to move on to why you’re here in the first place — learning more about potential Brazilian mail order brides.
What Do Brazilian Girls Look Like?
The women here are a real smorgasbord of looks thanks to a few centuries of mixed ethnic influences. So, you’ll find women who look more European than South American because of the colonization of the country by the Portuguese.
But you’ll also find Native American, Asian, Japanese, African and even German genetics on display.
So, although most of the girls you’ll see on dating sites have honey-colored skin, long dark hair and hazel eyes, you’re just as likely to come across a stunning blonde with piercing blue eyes, or a girl with African heritage.
What’s cool about this is that it’s impossible for you not to find a woman here to fall in love with. The genetic diversity is in your favor — whether you’re looking for a Gisele Bündchen or an Adriana Lima.
And the numbers are also in your favor too, with hundreds of thousands of single women who want a guy just like you.
They’re feminine, love putting on their best dress and high-heels and heading out to have fun. And that kinda sums up the women here — beautiful, feisty and a lot of fun.
You’ll find it difficult not to fall in love with these exotic Latina beauties, despite the fact they can be completely and totally irrational at times. But that’s something you could say about most women, no matter where you are in the world, right?
Overweight women here are very rare simply because of the lifestyle embraced by Brazilian women. They want to stay in shape because all of their friends are fit and toned, and that’s the only way for them to remain “competitive” on the dating scene.
Your Expectations
Most gringos have a fixed image of what South American women look like — sultry, voluptuous, with dark hair and tanned skin. They also expect them to act more like “women” than their previous Western girlfriends have.
There’s also the expectation that women from this part of the world want to marry, have kids and remain loyal to their husband for the rest of their lives.
Without stereotyping Brazilian women, that’s exactly what you can expect on the “mail order bride” scene here. Instead of it being a struggle to find a woman who wants to actually get married, you’ll find they’re far more likely to bring the subject up before you get a chance to.
What’s also important to remember is that Brazil is a modern country, where educated women are the norm in the bigger towns and cities. You won’t be able to just show up and impress them based on nothing more than the fact you’re from North America or Europe.
They’re equally not impressed by material wealth, so flashing your cash or your Rolex won’t achieve anything here, unless you want to spend your time fending off prostitutes.
With that being said, the average income here is about US$4,000 per year, so dating and marrying a foreign guy is an ideal outcome for women here, but for more than just financial reasons.
Brazilian women are also way more forward in approaching guys than women from Costa Rica or Peru, for example. They’re not even remotely shy about walking up to a guy and asking him to dance.
Oh, and dancing is important here — really important, so if you’re asked to dance then do it. Yes, that includes those of you with two left feet. Turning down an invitation to dance is just south of an insult, and you won’t get a second invitation.
You’ll also find that women here are very tactile, even with strangers. It might feel like every other woman you meet is flirting with you, and to a certain extent that’s true, but it’s also a cultural norm. Kissing a girl on both cheeks is the standard greeting, so don’t shy away from it.
Another bonus is that the vast majority of Brazilians are Roman Catholic, so Christian values are important and adhered to. There’s nothing puritanical in their nature or their approach to life, but they do take their beliefs seriously.
Relationships with Brazilian women move pretty quickly, which might suit you perfectly, but you still need to mentally prepare for it.
Your Brazilian neném will move herself from the category of “just dating” to “serious relationship” faster than you think, and from there it’s engagement, marriage and babies in under two years.
If you don’t ever want kids then that’s something you should tell her straight away. Family is a huge part of the life of 99% of women here, and they’ll want to start their own.
Her Expectations
We’ve already mentioned that Brazilian girls aren’t easily impressed by material wealth, but they do care about chemistry. They’re never willing to date a guy “just because” — there has to be a real attraction between you or she won’t pursue the relationship.

As is common throughout South America, women aren’t fixated on their boyfriend/future husband being a specific age. They’re quite happy to date older guys, but there are limits.
You’ll still find lots of pretty twenty-something Latinas dating guys in their 70s, but those are usually relationships of convenience, with the girl viewing the guy as nothing more than as a walking Green Card.
She’ll expect you to have a job, but you don’t have to be rich. Unemployed guys, or guys with zero ambition, aren’t going to have much luck in Brazil.
Don’t lie about your personal circumstances either, because once she realizes you’re pé-rapado (broke and no hope) then she’ll move on in a heartbeat.
That might seem harsh, but there are plenty of broke guys she can date locally — she has no interest in doing that as part of a long-distance relationship. It’s also worth remembering that arguments about money is one of the leading causes of divorce in Western countries.
Honesty is hugely important to Brazilian women, and that means in every aspect of her life. Brazilian guys are generally womanizers who are quite happy to keep several mistresses on the go at any one time.
Women hate the idea, but there’s very little they can do about it. It’s also another reason why Western guys are viewed as being ideal husbands — there’s less chance of them cheating on their wife because that’s a cultural norm where he comes from.
Your Brazilian fiancée invests a lot of time in eating well, staying fit and treating her body like a temple. So, although she won’t expect you to be a Cross Fit fanatic, being an overweight, beer-swilling couch potato isn’t going to cut it either.
Basically, be prepared for more activity when you’re around her, even if that’s just a game of tennis or going for a hike together.
Brazilian women were the subject of casual domestic abuse for decades. It wasn’t even referred to as domestic violence in court, but as “disciplining” instead. The reason we’re mentioning this is because it’s still a very sensitive subject in the country, and women here have very strong feelings about it.
Men are traditionally the bread winners in Brazilian households, so don’t expect that to change. Modern Brazilian women have their own careers, and their own ambitions, but once you start a family together you’ll be expected to provide for your family like an alpha male should.
The key to winning her heart is to be an affectionate, patient, honest, loyal gentleman in a country where that’s a rarity. Oh, and they love being flattered, but don’t overdo it, gringo.
She’ll dress up for her date with you, so she expects the same. You don’t need to go nuts here, but avoid the cargo shorts/Hawaiian shirt combo unless you want the date to end prematurely. Pants, shirt, good shoes and nice cologne covers it, as well as some basic grooming will cover it.
Avoid Culture Clashes
Brazil is far more modernized than most other South American countries, so women here use the Internet, go to college and often travel overseas.
That doesn’t mean that they’re truly westernized, so there are some things you need to be aware of to avoid any embarrassing silences in conversation, or even accidentally insulting them.
They don’t understand it, so avoid using it even if you’re just being playful. This might seem like a stereotype, but it’s not. Sarcasm will come across as an insult, no matter what way you phrase it, so leave your North American or European humor at the door.
Women here despise egotistical men because that’s how most Brazilian guys behave — they’re all about posturing and stature among their friends. They have no problem with men being masculine, but egotistical, arrogant men are in abundance in the country, which is exactly why she wants to date a Western guy.
Family approval
If her family doesn’t approve of you then cut your losses and move on, but only after making a genuine effort to show them you’re a great match for their daughter. She values their opinion more than she values you as a boyfriend, so don’t try to change her mind on that.
Dancing is mandatory
She will love to dance, and that includes dancing from late at night into the early hours of the morning. She won’t care if you can’t dance as well as she does, but you do have to make the effort on the dance floor.
Don’t be pushy
She’s had hundreds of random Brazilian guys try to kiss her for no reason, so don’t rush for that first kiss. You’ll know when the time is right, so be tranquilo until then.
Taking your time with her is one important way to set yourself apart on the dating scene in Brazil. Once she sees you’re not the same as the other guys she’ll instantly start viewing you as a prospect for a long-term namorado (boyfriend) and ideally her future husband.
Learn Portuguese
Only women who have traveled outside Brazil for work or personal reasons will speak fluent English, so learning Portuguese is mandatory. You don’t need to be fluent, but you do need to know enough of her native language to have a basic conversation with her.
She’s your new shadow
When you’re in a relationship with a Brazilian gatinha she’ll expect to go everywhere with you, and that’s almost without exception.
Finding a Brazilian Mail Order Bride
Now that you know more about all the great reasons for marrying a Brazilian girl, the next challenge facing you is actually finding one.
After all, there are tens of thousands of single women in the country looking for a North American, European or Australasian guy, so where do you even start?
Online Dating Websites
We would normally advise against using free websites when looking for a foreign bride, but some of the bigger free websites are really popular with single women in Brazil. One of the key reasons for that is that paid sites cost between $12 and $29 per month, which is about 10% of her monthly salary.
Does that mean you should only spend time on free sites?
You should focus your time and effort on women on the paid dating sites, but don’t exclude the free sites from your searches. Brazil is one of the rare exceptions where free dating sites have lots of genuine, single Brazilian girls looking for a foreign husband.
We’d also recommend having your search parameters set in place before you start viewing profiles. The reason why is there are so many beautiful women in Brazil it’s all too easy to get emotionally hung up on the first few you chat to.
So, you can start by filtering out older women, women with kids, etc.
If you want to find the best Latin dating sites be sure to check out our reviews.
Dating Agencies
Although the idea of actual “mail order brides” isn’t a thing in Brazil, there are still plenty of dating and introduction agencies here.
You do need to exercise caution when using any introduction agency because they usually charge a fee for every girl they put you in contact with.
These fees are usually around $20 — $30 per girl, but that can add up very quickly to a ridiculous amount of money each month just to get a few pictures and email addresses.
Romance Tours
Remembering that Brazil is a vast country, a dating tour is a great way to get to see the country while enjoying introductions to eligible young women. You can expect a typical “romance tour” to cost anywhere up to $3,000 for a 10-day package.
Some agencies offer luxury romance tours, but you can expect to pay up to $5,000 for a 12-day trip.
All romance tour packages cover airport transfer, your accommodation, and social events. While some packages will include your flights to Brazil, always double check that’s the case.
Another small detail to check is whether or not any departure fees are included in your package, just so you can budget accordingly.
Getting Married in Brazil
So, now that you’ve filtered through all the potential Brazilian brides in the country, you’ve finally found the woman of your dreams.
The subject of marriage is eventually going to come up, so it’s best to learn what’s involved now. Actually, it’s also a good idea to learn what’s involved in getting married in Brazil because it is most definitely not an overnight process.
Both parties must be at least 18 years of age on the date of the ceremony, but same sex marriages are not yet legal in Brazil. You may not get married to a citizen of Brazil if you are still married to somebody else.
As a non-national you will require the following documents:
- Copy of your passport
- Copy of your birth certificate
- Declaration of Civil Status — (stating you are not already married)
Your fiancée will require:
- Her taxpayer’s card
- A copy of her birth certificate
- A document proving she resides in Brazil (proof of address)
- Proof that her parents were born in Brazil
Once you’ve assembled all the required documents you must then go to a Civil Registry Office, along with two witnesses, to submit your “Registration of the intent to marry”. You will also need to submit all the above documents when you do this, and then wait 20–60 days for them to be reviewed.
Your intent to marry is then published in local newspapers, and is also published on the walls of the Civil Registry Office. The purpose of all this is to allow people with legitimate concerns to object to the marriage, which never happens.
You are required to wait another 15 days before you are issued with your marriage license. So, like we said, it’s definitely not an overnight process, but it is relatively cheap with all the processing, etc. costing around US$120.
While most guys are busy flying to and from Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia and Argentina to meet beautiful Latinas, very few of them are looking for their future wife in Brazil.
This is surprising considering how well educated and drop-dead gorgeous the women here are, and that there are thousands of them looking for Western guys. But they’re not as easily swayed or impressed as other South American women, so some guys just aren’t up to the challenge.
But we know you are. In fact, we know you’re ready to get started right now.
What does it cost to marry a Brazilian woman? (excluding wedding)
- Dating Site: $12 per month for 6 months, Total: $72
- Flights: $800 per roundtrip, 4 trips, Total: $3,200
- Romance Tour (optional): Tour cost $3,000 plus $800 for flights, Total: $3,800
- Hotels/Apartment: $50 per night for two 14-day stays, Total: $1,400
- Visa Costs: K1 spousal visa, Total: $2,025
- Grand Total: $10,495