Let’s start off by saying that one could argue that a Vietnamese girl makes the most perfect bride. It’s a bold statement, but foreign men who marry Vietnamese women rarely complain about their decision.
Despite the amazing attributes of Vietnamese women (the details to follow), many men that are looking for an overseas bride, or specifically and Asian bride, mistakenly overlook Vietnam for places such as Thailand and the Philippines. But we advise to strongly consider Vietnam as perhaps the best place of all for finding a mail-order bride.
Vietnamese women have many particular traits. Let’s start with the first one, which is that they are inherently beautiful and charming.
Walk the streets of Vietnam and you will be immediately struck by just how many strikingly beautiful women there are. North or south Vietnamese women tend to be slim and fit. Nearly every Western guy to ever visit Vietnam is struck by their gracefulness and beauty.
But it’s not just their fine physical attributes that make them so beautiful. There personalities really shine — they are both strong and feminine, demure yet confident, bold but respectful.

Vietnamese girls have been compared to diamonds. A diamond’s mesmerizing sparkle is created from extreme pressure.
Life in Vietnam can be a tough existence. Remember, this is a country that faced down the Japanese, French, Americans, and beat the Chinese in a short, bloody war in 1979. The Vietnamese often put on an easy to get along demeanour, but they are a tough, stubborn people who fight for what they believe is just and right.
These cultural traditions molds Vietnamese women into unique creatures. They are fiercely loyal to family, talented, hard-working, good at managing money, while at the same time, being simply gorgeous as a big bonus. Vietnamese girls can be described as intelligent and witty, sensually seductive and always joyful and optimistic.
It’s an unbelievable package, but in most cases it’s exactly what you will find. And with some 40 million Vietnamese women to choose from, the choice is simply mind-blowing!
Marry a Vietnamese bride and you’ll be the luckiest man alive!
Why You Should Marry a Vietnamese Mail Order Bride
Vietnamese women are breathtakingly beautiful. They have striking yet soft features, beautiful olive skin, luscious hair, pouting lips, seductive eyes, petite bodies and mesmerizing smiles. Asian women are often very attractive to Western men, and in much of Asia, finding a true beauty can be hit-and-miss sometimes. But in Vietnam, every girl you will see in the street will be more beautiful than the next. Literally every single one. It can be truly overwhelming…but it’s a good thing to be overwhelmed about, right?
Vietnamese girls possess a unique beauty that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. From the flowing dark hair to their flawless skin and bright smiles, they are also almost always in perfect shape, with fit, slim bodies. Their petite frames are pretty much a guarantee and are the result of strong Vietnamese genetics, as well as a local expectation for women to take care of their physical appearance.
Vietnam’s history includes periods heavily influenced by the rule of both France and Russia — two cultures that are well-known for how seriously they take the beauty of their sexy women. So this too, has, become embedded in the Vietnamese culture.
Just like French and Russian women, Vietnamese women are both naturally beautiful and at the same time, have a culture that expects of them to increase their sexiness even more by constantly focusing on looking after themselves — from how they eat to how they dress, how the treat a man to how they move and smile and interact.
In every way they are simply special and unique women that would make a dream mail-order bride for any Western man.
Here is a list of just some of the attributes of a Vietnamese mail-order bride that make them so appealing to Western men:
Intelligent and Hardworking
In today’s globalized world, many single men are seeking to find a Vietnamese wife through various platforms that facilitate international dating. The allure of marrying a Vietnamese woman lies not only in their beauty but also in their intelligence and hard work. Vietnamese women are known for their dedication to family and their commitment to building a strong future. Many men are turning to mail order Vietnamese brides services to meet Vietnamese brides who embody these qualities. These platforms provide a unique opportunity for single men to connect with beautiful Vietnamese women who are eager for meaningful relationships. The process becomes even easier with the availability of Vietnamese brides online, where men can browse profiles and find a suitable match.
When considering marrying a Vietnamese woman, it is essential to understand the cultural aspects and Vietnamese wedding traditions that play a significant role in their lives. Many Vietnamese ladies for marriage possess traditional values that emphasize loyalty, respect, and hard work. As you find a Vietnamese girl through a marriage agency or online dating sites, you will encounter single Vietnamese women who are not only looking for love but also aspire to create a stable life together. Getting a Vietnamese partner means embracing these values and being open to a meaningful connection that goes beyond superficial attraction.
For those who prefer a more structured approach, the concept of a mail order bride from Vietnam has emerged, allowing men to find Vietnamese brides for sale. This path can lead to a fulfilling relationship with a Vietnamese mail order wife who shares similar goals. Through these platforms, men can discover the typical Vietnamese girl, who often embodies traits like resilience and nurturing. The journey of dating a Vietnamese woman often culminates in a deep understanding of each other’s backgrounds and shared aspirations.
Ultimately, the quest to find a Vietnamese wife online is not just about physical attraction; it represents a desire for companionship, cultural exchange, and partnership. Whether it’s through Vietnamese women who sign up on these platforms or the Vietnam girl for marriage you meet, the experience is enriched by the diverse stories and dreams each woman brings. As you embark on this journey, remember that love knows no boundaries, and finding a Vietnamese girlfriend can lead to a life filled with joy and shared experiences.
The Best Cooks you could ever Imagine
A Vietnamese mail-order bride will, guaranteed, be the most exceptional cook you could ever dream of. This is partly because Vietnam itself has some of the most mouth-watering food in the whole of Asia, and partly because the culture places a strong value on a woman’s ability to cook well — it’s a competitive thing in the country, so you’re guaranteed to be the best-fed guy around!
She will learn to cook what you like and introduce you to foods you never imagined. Vietnamese women still believe the old saying your grandma believed, “The stomach is the way to a man’s heart,” and you will be fat and happy because of it.
Devoted to Family
Vietnamese mail-order brides have a powerful familial instinct, that drives them to protect and nurture their children with great love and care. They also extend this constant love and devotion to their husband and extended family (even or especially mother-in-laws!).
Family unity is a very important part of Vietnamese life — sometimes something that is lacking for many in the Western world. Vietnamese women raise their children with a strong sense of values, morality and respect.
As a wife, Vietnamese women are truly dutiful to their husband. They will be a true partner in every sense of the word — bringing loyalty and undying support to the relationship. They will support their partners endeavours, and if needed they are not scared at all to work and help with the family finances. If anything, it would be their honour.
Good at Managing Money
Vietnamese mail-order brides are known for being good at managing money. In the Vietnamese culture, it is usually the women that manage the household finances. Vietnamese woman are humble with their material needs — they chose to largely forfeit their own luxuries so that the can give a better life to their children.
Vietnamese women do not like to spend money on frivolous things. She will budget carefully and make sure that her children and her husband are materially happy before she will agree to spend on herself.
In Vietnam, bank loans and credit cards are hard to come by, so Vietnamese women are used to working hard for long periods of time and saving their cash with great diligence. She makes sure that she has enough money for today, while always saving for tomorrow.
Vietnamese women are often great business partners with their expat husbands, because of these traits. This is one of the greatest reasons to marry a Vietnamese lady if you are a small businessman; she will become your good right hand.

A Culture of Grit
Vietnamese mail-order brides have true grit. A mixture of courage and toughness, they never quit anything they have their mind set on. If they have to work extra hours, endure hardship, or face any kind of difficulty, they do so with stoicism and a smile.
They never complain and they take great honour in facing difficulties with charm and grace. Stories of what their mothers and grandmothers did during the war accounts for part of this attitude. What ever problems they are facing are nothing compared to getting bombed by B-52s, so they put things into perspective.
Partly this is because Vietnamese men are often not much help around the house. There is a high instance of alcoholism and substance abuse amongst local men, and also a male culture of laziness. So in the Vietnamese community, it is the woman that is tasked with taking care of pretty much everything in the household.
Grit is a powerful attribute to have. And it’s incredible that the package of a Vietnamese mail-order bride includes both incredible grit AND exceptional beauty. What a combination!
The Total Package
Your Vietnamese bride will be the envy of all your friends. Your most superficial friends will notice her beauty. Old college buddies, and guys from the sales department will regard you as one lucky guy, because you have such a hot wife.
Smarter people, like your boss, will notice how much more energetic and driven you are. They may not make the direct connection to your marriage, but they will know something has changed.
But the really astute people, like your favorite uncle or that retired school teacher down the block, will get it. They will see the glow in your eye and the spring in your step. They will notice that your house is cleaner, your clothes are neater, and you are more organized.
They will realize that your Vietnamese wife has changed your life for the better. You will know you are happier because you have more meaning in your life. Marriage is usually good for men‘s health, happiness, and earning potential, but but a marriage to a great Vietnamese girl can really be awesome for you.
Dating Vietnamese Girls
The Vietnamese population is made up of roughly 76% of young people under the age of 30 years old. So, there is an endless flow of young women looking to date and looking to find their life-partner. Foreign men are generally very attractive to Vietnamese women, and there is a rapidly growing trend for girls in Vietnam to search for, date and marry foreigners.
Partly this is because Western men have very attractive physical features to Vietnamese women; and partly because Vietnamese men, although we aren’t saying all bad, are known to commonly be emotionally and sometimes physically abusive within a relationship or marriage.
A United Nations report from 2010 painted a grim picture for Vietnamese women:
When all three main types of partner violence — physical, sexual and emotional — are considered, more than half (58 percent) of Vietnamese women report experiencing at least one type of domestic violence in their lifetime. The study findings also show that women are three times more likely to be abused by a husband than by any other person.
And it apparently has gotten even worse.
A 2020 report in the Viet-Express, the most widely read newspaper among the Vietnamese diaspora, reported that:
However, more women have reported being sexually abused in 2019 compared to 2010, with a ration of 13.3 percent versus 9.9 percent. According to the survey team, while this reflects an increase in sexual violence, it may also be the result of a social change in which women have become more open to talking about sexuality and sexual violence after one decade.
Emotional violence by a husband/partner was the most common form of violence reported by Vietnamese women with nearly half (47 percent) having encountered such behavior.
One in five of women experienced economic abuse by a husband/partner during their lifetime and more than one fourth (27.3 percent) suffered one or more acts of controlling behavior.
So, the common values of love and respect that a Western man has, is an exceptional drawcard to a local woman — a ticket to her lifelong happiness. A Vietnamese woman dreams of the romance of a true partnership, filled with love and respect and loyalty. It’s not easy to find in the country, so marrying a foreign man is their best bet, and they and their families are well aware of that.
As with any new culture, there are many things to know about flirting with and dating Vietnamese women. Want to find a wife in Vietnam? Here are some of our tips, follow these and you’ll find romance in no time!

Be Patient
Before approaching Vietnamese ladies, it is important to keep in your mind that the process of dating is not a fast one. Do not be dissuaded by it taking a little bit longer than, say, with American or European girls.
Typically, first, a girl will like you, then you will become friends, and if the feelings are mutual, you will become lovers. Show her that you are patient, but constantly let her know through hints and gestures that you fancy her.
She will take a little time to get to know you and if the feelings are mutual you will be together as lovers and hopefully as a love-match for life.
Be a Gentleman
Acting like a true gentleman is good advice for dating pretty much anywhere, but it’s particularly important to Vietnamese women. Girls here really appreciate a man that treats her with respect and care and treats her with love and romance.
Local men are often poor at romantic gestures as it’s not a big part of local culture. But the Western ideas around romance are extremely attractive to Vietnamese women. In Vietnam, young girls are brought up watching romantic American movies, and they all dream of experiencing a Western-style romance.
So, take your cues from Matthew McConaughey, Tom Cruise, and Hugh Grant and show her some romance to sweep her off her feet and put stars in her eyes. She will love you forever for it.
Woo Her Endlessly
Vietnamese women love flowers, they love having small gestures of good manners, such as opening a car door and pulling out a dining chair at a restaurant. Don’t be shy to spoil her with gifts, Vietnamese girls love to be spoilt — it’s a way of showing them how much you care for them and that you would do anything to make her smile.
Vietnamese woman adore and expect to be woo’d non-stop. If you want to win her heart, flirt with her all the time. Keep surprising her with romantic gestures and keep reminding her how beautiful you find her. A Vietnamese woman loves attention from her man. She feels proud to have a man work for her love. And she will repay the romance handsomely, so it’s well worth the effort!
Learn the Culture
Putting in some effort to learning about her culture will go a long way to capturing her heart. Learn a little Vietnamese language, local girls’ heart’s will melt when you speak a few words of their language (especially if you don’t get it right, which they find cute!).
It shows that you have taken the time to do something to impress her. It’s a great conversation-starter when flirting and a great advantage if you one day meet her friends or family.
Also, some reading about Vietnamese history and culture can help you connect with a woman. It will give you more points of common interest, and help you have more respect for Vietnamese culture.
Viet Nam: A History from Earliest Times to the Present gets rave review and is an entertaining general history of the country. If you are serious about pursuing a girl from Vietnam it is worth the time and money to give it a read.
Be Open to Meeting Her Family
If you are successful in winning the heart of a Vietnamese girl, one of the greatest honours she can give you and a sure way to show her serious interest and love for you, is to introduce you to her family.
Family is very important and central in Vietnamese culture so a girl will feel it is important for her family to meet you and get to know you. She will also be proud of her family and want to show you that she comes from a good family.
Here are several little tips to be a success when meeting the family:
- Bow slightly when greeting her parents. This is a expected sign of humbleness and respect
- Wait for the eldest member of the family to begin eating before you do
- When called up to serve the food, be courteous and serve the family to show respect and gratefulness
Following these cultural signs of manners and respect can go a long way to impressing her family and making her feel proud.
Best Vietnamese Dating Sites — Where to Meet Your Future Vietnamese Wife
There a variety of good sites where you can meet Vietnamese women for marriage.
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms, the oldest of the modern mail order bride, sites has lots of Vietnamese women and a fifty year history. Today it is basically a chat site.
That means you can instantly start chatting with women in Vietnam and across Asia right away. It is fairly inexpensive and a lot of fun.
VietnamCupid is owned by Australian based Cupid Media. It is also a chat site. It is reasonably priced, but sometimes not overloaded with women.
AsianDate is expensive but has some stunners in Vietnam. It is also a chat site, but be sure and do a little video chat. You can switch back and forth, but it helps ensure the person you are chatting with is worth your time.
A Foreign Affair
But the best way to go is with A Foreign Affair. They have a nice collection of women in Vietnam, but most importantly they will actually help you meet the woman. We love AFA, because no one tries harder to help men find the woman of their dreams.
Even if you meet a Vietnamese girl through a different platform you can go to them for a trusted translator and guide. They are really in a class of their own. Check out our Foreign Affair review.
Marrying a Vietnamese Bride
Because of all these exceptional attributes, it’s easy to see how a Vietnamese bride can be the perfect life-partner for you, promising a life of happiness, love and romance.
Most Vietnamese girls are looking for long-term relationships and don’t want to waste too much time on short-lived flings. They want true love and they want to be able to show their loyalty.
Loyalty is a big thing for Vietnamese women. If you have met the love of your life and have to return home for some time, you can be confident that she will not cheat on you, even if you are far away in another country.
Vietnam is a very easy country to travel to and from. There are a wide variety of international carriers and daily flights serving both Hanoi and Ho-Chi-Minh City. This is a big advantage in pursuing a Vietnamese arranged marriage.
Vietnamese people often have a romantic view of the United States and you’ll often find that your lady has relatives somewhere in the US.
Vietnamese women make ideal marriage partners. From your wedding to the rest of your lives, they are loyal and endlessly loving. They make excellent mothers, focusing all their energy on both the family and their husband.
Never forgetting to take care of either. So you can be assured of a life-long love, you can be assured she will always take care of her appearance and you can be assured that she will be hardworking and always supportive of everything you do. You will both be happily married for the rest of your lives.
Another thing that is different about a bride from Vietnam compared to many western women, is that from the moment you are wed, they will be loyal, caring and loving towards your family, especially your mother. We hear so many jokes about wives loathing their mother-in-laws and this can be frustrating and sad for a husband.
But a Vietnamese mail order bride will always respect and love her mother-in-law and bring great marital pride to you for this.
Proposing to a Vietnamese girl often includes the groom’s family paying a dowry or “bride-price” for the girl’s hand. It’s a tradition that goes way back and is not only specific for foreign men. In Vietnam, the betrothal ceremony, or an hoi, also involves gift-giving as part of a long-standing bridal tradition.
All in all, a Vietnamese girl for marriage is an excellent idea for so many reasons. So before you consider searching for love in Thailand or the Philippines, it’s definitely a good idea to also consider Vietnam and all it has to offer.

How Much Will It Cost To Find a Vietnamese Woman For Marriage
How much do Vietnamese mail order brides cost? Well, first you should check out our detailed article: How Much Does a Mail Order Bride Cost?
That breaks down most of the expenses and will probably bring up some issues you have not thought about. So, look at that first.
Vietnam is one of the cheapest countries for you to pursue a mail order bride. One of the best approaches is to just move to Vietnam for a few months. what Numbeo, the best cost of living comparison site says:
Numbeo Ho Chi Minh City
International Living magazine’s analysis is similar. It explains that:
If you live outside of Vietnam’s two largest cities, in places like Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, and Vung Tau, prices will be much less. In any of these destinations, a budget of around $800 to $1,100 per month will provide a lovely house or apartment, all utilities, housekeeping, groceries, dining out every day if you choose, and even the occasional massage. In all of these towns, you can find a place to live just a short walk from the beach, or even a home with an ocean view. If you can manage a budget of $3,500 to $4,500 per month, you can rent a modern villa with a private pool and live like royalty while eating and drinking at the best restaurants in town.
Cost of Living In Vietnam
So, if you meet a woman online and decide to go to Vietnam and live for a month your expenses should not be extravagant.
Frankly, that is the case in a lot of places around the world. What are you waiting for?